​Hironobu "Nishi" Nishitateno puts his heart and soul into creating each of his handmade works of pottery. His pieces are made with natural materials and glazed with colors found in nature. Nishi's style is based on the simplicity and functionality of Japanese pottery, enhanced by international influences. He travels with notebook in hand, sketching designs and shapes that are worthy of incorporation into new works.
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Etsy: www.NantenPottery.Etsy.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/NantenPottery

Get a feel for the kinds of pieces we make as well as the style. Please note that our inventory is always changing, so what you see in this gallery is just a representation of our work.

See our schedule for the upcoming art show season and all of the details that go along with it...everything you need to find us this summer!

Find the information you're just dying to know about our pottery here! Read the meaning of our turnip bowls and why they are perfect as a wedding gift. Learn how to use our Japanese-style teapots. Find out what is going through our minds during the making of our tea bowls...and more!