Have you taken a picture of a piece or ensemble of our pottery that turned out great? Or are you interested in exercising your creative energy? Join Nanten Pottery's photo contest and see if your photo is chosen for our next postcard!
Limit 10 photos per entrant per period (see deadlines below)
Images should all be digital
Images should be around 2MB each and in jpeg format
Images should be labeled with your first and last initial and the number of your entry (1-10)
Entries should be emailed to us at
Images of newer pieces of our pottery are preferable to those of pieces we made 5 years ago, for example
We reserve the right to crop or slightly alter images (lighting, etc.) including the addition of words
What to send with your entries
First and last name
Name you would like used for photo credit if different from above, or state that you would like to remain anonymous
Mailing address
Title (if any) for each image
Description or inspiration (if any) for each image
Please type the following statement in your email when you send your entries, and the name at the end of your email will serve as your signature: I give Nanten Pottery permission to use my photo(s), cropping or altering it as needed.